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(Office of the Provincial Director)

Provincial Director, Police Provincial Office (PD, PPO):


1. Direct, command, supervise and control the police in his operational area which shall include the power to direct and control the tactical and strategic movement, deployment, placement, and/or utilization of the police or any of its elements and components, equipment, facilities and other resources within his territorial jurisdiction and other  powers that may be necessary to effectively accomplish of the following functions of the Police Provincial Office:


a. Enforce and execute the provisions of laws, decrees, General Orders, instructions, Executive Orders, City Charters, and Ordinances of local application;

b. Maintain peace and order and take all necessary steps to ensure public safety;

c. Investigate and prevent crimes, effect the arrest of criminal offenders, bring offenders to justice and assist in their prosecution;

d.  Exercise the general powers to make arrest, search and seizure in accordance with the Constitution and pertinent laws; and

e.  Detain an arrested person for a period not beyond what is prescribed by law, informing the person to detained of all his rights under the Constitution.

In addition, the PD, PPO shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a. Implement the policies, directives, programs and projects formulated and adopted by higher authorities;

b. Recommend to the Chief, PNP or tho his Regional Director, PRO7, as the case may be, the appointment and promotion of the uniformed members and employees of his Command, in accordance with established standards;

c. Exercise the disciplinary powers over his  subordinates;

d. Safeguard all the lands, buildings, records, money, equipment and other properties and rights of the PPO; and

e. Issue detailed implementing policies and instructions regarding personnel, funds, properties, records, correspondence and such other matters as may be necessary to effectively carry out the functions, powers and duties of the Philippines National Police at the PPO level.

2. Perform other tasks as directed by his Regional Director, PRO7.

Deputy Provincial Director for Administration, (DPDA,PPO):


1. Assist the Provincial Director in supervising, directing and coordinating the activities of the Provincial Police Office pertaining to its administration.

2. Advise and assist the Provincial Director in the execution of administrative policies, directives. programs, and projects of the Provincial Police Office.

3. Direct, supervise and manage the administrative affairs of the PPO and facilitate coordination among the different Divisions and units of the PPO to ensure efficient accomplishment of their functions.

4. Perform other duties as the second in command in the Provincial Police Office and assume the duties and responsibilities of the Provincial Director, PPO during the latter's absence.

Deputy Provincial Director for Operations, PPO(DPDO, PPO);


1. Assist the Provincial Director in supervising, directing and coordinating the operations of the PPO.

2. Advise and assist the PD, PPO in the execution of policies, directives, programs and projects pertaining to operations.

3. Perform other duties as directed by the Provincial Director, PPO.

Chief, PPO - PSMU

1. Assist and advise the Provincial Director, PPO in complying with the requirements of the PNP Performance Governance System and other PNP flagship programs.

2. Direct, supervise, and control the Police Strategy Management Unit in performing the following functions:

a. Identify relevant issues and recommend corresponding solutions.

b. Coordinate and integrate all strategy management process of the Unit/Office and sustain their execution and management.

c. Cascade the PNP strategy, Unit/Office's Scorecards/ Dashboards and other PNP flagship programs down to its lowest subordinate units and to all its personnel;

d. Study and recommend the adoption of "Best Practice" of the Unit/Office;

e. Document and dissemenate "Lessons Learned" to all subordinate units; and

f. Submit timely relevant reports based on the Office/Unit Scorecard/Dashboards.

3. Perform other tasks as directed by higher authority.





(Provincial Administrative and Resource Management Unit)

1. Assist and advise the Provincial Director, PPO on matters pertaining to human resource management, budgeting, financial management and logistic management.

2. Formulate and implement directives, policies guidelines and regulations pertaining personnel administration.

3. Organize and conduct sports, recreational, health and fitness training activities for PPO personnel.

4. Prepare and implement human resource management and plans and programs of PPO Personnel.

5. Administer and manage records of PPO Personnel and other pertinent documents of the PPO.

6. Maintain personnel information system personnel.

7. Implement logistics and property management policies and directives.

8. Prepare and submit to PD, PPO the budget proposal and expenditure programs.

9. Provide transportation, security, messengerial and other administrative services for efficient operations of tge PPO and Police Stations.

10. Perform other tasks as directed PD, PPO.

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(Provincial Operations Management Unit)

1. Perform staff function and provide support to the City Director on matters concerning operations of the PPO.

2. Plan, coordinate, and supervise the operational activities of the PPO.

3. Undertake the preparation and implementation of OPLANS, IMPLANS, OPRDS, LOIs and other directives on Police Operations.

4. Prepare, coordinate and issue operational orders and directives in accordance with NHQ-PNP and PRO policies and guidance.

5. Supervise and evaluate the performance of the Operating Units and Stations under the PPO.

6. Prepare and evaluate mobilization, assignment, employment and deployment of personnel within the PPO.

7. Responsible for effective tactical operation, monitoring, coordination, liaison and communication, and dissemination of policies and directives.

8. Perform other tasks as directed PD, PPO.

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(Provincial Investigation and Detective Management Unit)

1. Assist and advise the Provincial Director in the formulation and implementation of investigation policies, guidelines and directives.

2. Responsible for the investigation of sensational case committed within the PPO.

3. Investigate cases committed within the PPO including those involving minors, juvenile delinquents and missing persons.

4. Monitor, and follow-up the progress of investigation activities of the PPO to ensure successful prosecution of the suspects.

5. Supervise and monitor the implementation of search and warrants and warrants of arrest, service of subpoena and other court processes.

6. Provide technical support for evidence and date gathering activities  of the Police Stations.

7. Responsible in the consolidation, recording, analysis, and reporting of crime data/statistics of the PPO.

8. Conduct studies/researches and prepare reports on the patterns of crime incidents, crime trends, and modi operandi and recommend visible solutions to the DIDM and RIDMD, PRO7.

9. Conduct review, and implement plans and policies on the deployment of PPO investigators and detectives.

10. Maintain records and files of all criminal cases and criminal offenders and modus operandi in the commission of crimes.

11. Maintain a database of DIDM-Certified investigators and detectives assigned in all investigation units of the PPO.

12. Process administrative complaints filed against PNP Personnel under the disciplinary authority of the Provincial Director and conduct pre-charge evaluation and investigation.

13. Perform other tasks as directed by PD, PPO.

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(Provincial Intelligence Unit)

1. Provide PD, PPO with timely, accurate intelligence information.

2. Implement policies, orders and directives regarding intelligence and counter-intelligence matters.

3. Responsible in the production and dissemination of threat assessments and security reports.

4. Prepare plans and orders for target acquisition, police surveillance and reconnaissance and other information collection activities.

5. Collect, evaluate, analyze and disseminate intelligence pertaining to criminal/subversive elements operating withing the AOR of the PPO.

6. Ensure the security and safety of all classified matters handled by the PPO.

7. Prepare and update target and watchlist, intelligence Summaries and Estimates under the PPO.

8. Supervise and coordinate the PPO information collection activities, including reconnaissance and surveillance, interrogation of criminal offenders, escapes and on matters involving local/national security. 

9. Conduct security checks and security coverage involving VIPs, mass actions and other security details.

10. Conduct Intelligence coverage against criminal subversive elements and personnel/organizations considered as threat to national to national security.

11. Ensure the security and safety of all classified matters handled by the PPOs.

12. Perform other tasks as directed by PD, PPO.

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(Provincial Community Affairs and Development Unit)

1. Responsible for the planning, coordination and supervision of the police-community relations activities, psychological operations, and  relief operations of the PPO.

2. Implement plans and programs relative to the promotion of community and citizens participation in the maintenance of peace and order, as well as ensuring public safety.

3. Assist the Provincial Director in budgeting and programming of funds to support Police Community Affairs (PCA) activities of subordinate units.

4. Perform public information activities for the development of institutional support and initiate public awareness on insurgency problems, dangers of drug abuse, basic crime prevention and PNP reform.

5. Supervise the Police Stations production and circulation of information materials.

6. Establish and maintain tri-media and inter-agency information linkages.

7. Collect, consolidate and document the historical facts, figures and items from lower units for submission to NHQ-PNP.

8. Prepare periodic and special reports regarding Police Community Affairs (PCR) for submission to higher Headquarters.

9. Coordinate with PNP operating units and AFP units in the conduct of Police Operations against Muslim personalities.

10. Maintain a complaint action information system/database and refer to appropriate PNP offices/units for prompt submission of reports and complaints involving citizens complaints against erring PNP Personnel.

11. Consolidate positive feedbacks and citizens report of good deeds and best practices of Police Stations personnel for issuance of proper commendation.

12. Perform other tasks as directed by PD, PPO.

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(Provincial Plans and Programs Unit)

1. Assist and advise the Provincial Director, PPO in the implementation of PNP plans and programs that are beyond immediate operational and tactical range.

2. Implement and monitor strategic plans and programs within the PPO jurisdiction, and recommend necessary amendment threof.

3. Prepare, review and submit the Operations, Plans and Budget (OPB) to RPPD-PRO7 based in the policies of the NHQ, PNP and inputs from lower units.

4. Prepare and submit report to RD, PRO7 relevant reports on the implementation of policies and directives on organizational and force development of the PPO jurisdiction.

5. Collaborate and participate in joint planning activities within the City jurisdiction for the PNP legislative initiative and agenda, and priority bills.

6. Collaborate and participate in joint planning activities within the City jurisdiction for the crafting of strategic plans on peace, security, and development concerns.

7. Compile, consolidate and analyze statistical data including and operational statistics for planning and program development; and

8. Perform other tasks as directed by PD, PPO.

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